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中国生物工程杂志  2013, Vol. 33 Issue (6): 138-144    
范敬群1, 贾鹤鹏2, 彭光芒1,3
1. 华中农业大学生物科学传媒中心 武汉 430070;
2. 康奈尔大学传播学系 纽约伊萨卡 14853;
3. 华中农业大学文法学院 武汉 430070
The Analysis of Cultural Factors in Impeding GMO Communication in China
FAN Jing-qun1, JIA He-peng2, PENG Guang-mang1,3
1. Life Science Communication Center, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;
2. Department of Communication Graduate Program Manual Cornell University, Ithaca 14853, U.S.A.;
3. School of Arts and Law, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
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关键词: 转基因传播障碍文化因素构造自然观有机自然观    

In recent years, the communication of genetically modified organism (GMO) has been impeded in China. While science community and government departments try to overcome the barrier by enhancing science popularization efforts, it cannot be neglected that behind the resistance to GMO, there are hidden cultural factors. It identifies three cultural factors that are involved: the holistic view of nature that pursues "harmony between man and nature", anti-intellectualism, and the psychology of the indulgence with traditional agriculture. All three factors are related to traditional Chinese thinking mode of intuitive extrapolation. After tracing historical concepts of heaven and man, it find that the communication of GMO faces the conflict between constructivism natural view and holistic natural view. In fact, the holistic view of nature has been misinterpreted amidst the pervading anti-intellectualism against high technologies to which GMO belongs. Because of the holistic view of nature and "anti-intellectualism", the indulgence with traditional agriculture is very popular in modern China. But it is completely impossible to back to traditional agriculture by questioning GM technologies. In the situation, if we want to overcome the barriers of GMO communication, we need to reconstruct a friendly intellectual environment. While we need to promote GMO by economic benefits, it is also necessary to integrate the technological development into the generally accepted view of nature.

Key words: GMO    Communication barriers    Cultural factors    Constructivism natural view    Holistic natural view
收稿日期: 2013-04-15 出版日期: 2013-06-25
ZTFLH:  G206.3  


通讯作者: 彭光芒     E-mail:
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范敬群, 贾鹤鹏, 彭光芒. 转基因传播障碍中的文化因素辨析[J]. 中国生物工程杂志, 2013, 33(6): 138-144.

FAN Jing-qun, JIA He-peng, PENG Guang-mang. The Analysis of Cultural Factors in Impeding GMO Communication in China. China Biotechnology, 2013, 33(6): 138-144.


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