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中国生物工程杂志  2018, Vol. 38 Issue (9): 99-105    DOI: 10.13523/j.cb.20180915
欧盟生物基研究与创新体系的发展与启示 *
中国科学院成都文献情报中心 成都 610041
Development and Enlightenment of EU’s Bio-based R&I System
Ying ZHENG(),Zhi-qiang ZHANG
Chengdu Documentation and Information Center,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Chengdu 610041,China
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生物基产品是指以可再生资源(如农业和林业残渣、有机废料等)为原料而生产的化工产品和绿色能源,因其环境友好的优越性已经成为社会绿色可持续发展的重要途径。近年来,欧美等发达国家纷纷出台战略政策促进生物基产业的发展。欧盟委员会对生物基的研究与创新(R&I)项目给予了政策与财政的重点支持,已经逐渐形成以BBI(bio-based industries)计划为核心的管理与资助体系。通过对欧盟生物基R&I项目的资助框架和经费分配情况的调研与分析,发现欧盟实现生物基经济目标的具体措施和实践方案,为我国生物基创新行动提出决策建议。同时,BBI计划作为欧盟新兴产业R&I体系建设的典型案例,对我国其他创新方向开展科技政策与管理机制改革也具有一定的参考价值。

关键词: 欧盟生物基产业R&I资助体系经费分配项目实施    

Bio-based products (bioproducts) are materials,chemicals and energy derived from renewable resources (such as agricultural and forestry residues,organic waste). Because of its advantages of environment friendly,it has become an important way to be the sustainable development society. During these years,Developed countries including US and Europe have been deploying strategies to promote development of bio-based industry. By focusing on policy and financial support for bio-based research and innovation (R&I),European Commission (EC) has organized core funding framework and management system by BBI (bio-based industries) initiatives. As a typical case of R&I project in Europe,the proposal is put forward to carry out suggestion for bio-based R&I project implementation and other innovation directions with investigation and analysis of the bio-based project funding frameworks and budget allocations.

Key words: European Union    Bio-based industry    R&I Funding system    Budget allocation    Project implementation
收稿日期: 2018-04-09 出版日期: 2018-10-12
基金资助: * 中国科学院政策调研课题国际科技发展态势研究(ZYS-2017-07)
通讯作者: 郑颖     E-mail:
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郑颖,张志强. 欧盟生物基研究与创新体系的发展与启示 *[J]. 中国生物工程杂志, 2018, 38(9): 99-105.

Ying ZHENG,Zhi-qiang ZHANG. Development and Enlightenment of EU’s Bio-based R&I System. China Biotechnology, 2018, 38(9): 99-105.


图1  欧洲生物基产业成交额分布
图2  欧盟生物基经济的主要政策框架
项目类型 研发目标 经费
RIA 生物基原料供应 85.9 2.36
生物精炼 257.7 7.07
产品和市场 229 6.28
IA-DEMO 农业基原料 322.1 8.83
森林基原料 272 7.46
水生原料 35.8 0.98
生物废料和CO2 85.9 2.36
IA-FLAG 农业基原料 1074.1 29.45
森林基原料 895.1 24.54
水生原料 44.8 1.23
生物废料和CO2 223.8 6.14
CSA 62 1.70
办公费 58.5 1.61
表1  RIA、IA和CSA项目经费分配
图3  2014~2017年BBI计划项目经费预算分布
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