2008 CAS Symposium on Interfacial Materials
24-25 Dec. 2008
Venue: Rm. 310, Graduate School, IMR CAS
Shenyang, China
Wednesday 24 Dec. 2008
Chair: Prof. Huiming Cheng
09:00-09:05 Welcome addresses by Director, Prof. Ke Lu
Workshop Session I
Co-Chairs: Prof. Huiming Cheng, Prof. Max Lu
09:05-09:45 Multiscale Modeling and Simulations for Advanced Materials-Huajian Gao
09:45-10:25 Recrystallization in Directionalloy Solidified Ni-base Superalloys-Jian Zhang
10:25-10:40 Tea break
Workshop Session II
Co-Chairs: Prof. Xiuliang Ma, Prof. Jianku Shang
10:40-11:20 Structure – Mechanical Property Relationship in Amorphous Metals-En Ma
11:20-12:00 Fatigue of Typical Metallic Materials-Zhefeng Zhang
12:00-13:30 Lunch
Workshop Session III
Co-Chairs: Prof. Rui Yang, Prof. Zhengxiao Guo
13:30-14:10 Nanomaterials: Enabling Innovations to Plug into the Sun-Max Lu
14:10-14:50 Synthesis, Characterization and Application Explorations of Graphene-Wencai Ren
14:50-15:30 Antimicrobial Materials for Water Disinfection-Jianku Shang
15:30-15:45 Tea break
Workshop Session IV
Co-Chairs: Prof. Luchang Qin, Prof. Jian Xu
15:45-16:25 Investigation on the Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of Nanocrystallized Materials-Ying Li
16:25-17:05 Interfacial Mechanical Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coatings-Shijie Zhu
Thursday 25 Dec. 2008
Workshop Session V
Co-Chairs: Prof. En Ma, Prof. Zhefeng Zhang
09:00-09:40 Materials Science and Development of Nanostructured Next Generation Field-Emission
Point Electron Source for Electron Microscopes-Luchang Qin
09:40-10:20 Optimizing Performances of Silicon Nitride by Design of Inter-granular Phases:First-principles Prediction-Jingyang Wang
10:20-10:35 Tea break
Workshop Session VI
Co-Chairs: Prof. Xingyuan Mao, Prof. Yi Li
10:35-11:15 Molecular Interactions with Nanostructures-Applications in H2 Storage, CO2 Capture and Biofuel Cells-Zhengxiao Guo
11:15-11:55 Process Modelling in Hot Worked Metals-Dianzhong Li
12:00-13:00 Lunch
Workshop Session VII
Co-Chairs: Prof. Shijie Zhu, Prof. Ke Yang
13:30-14:10 Dislocations Nucleation and Starvation in Metallic Nanowires-Xingyuan Mao
14:10-14:50 A Comprehensive Understanding of the Mechanism of the Plastic Deformation in Amorphous Glassy Metals-Yi Li
14:50-15:30 Ti2448 Biomedical Titanium Alloy-Yulin Hao
15:30-15:45 Tea break
Workshop Session VIII
Co-Chairs: Prof. Huajian Gao, Prof. Dianzhong Li
15:45-16:25 Surface and Interface of Catalysts-Dangsheng Su
16:25-17:05 Antibacterial Stainless Steels, a Novel Class of Structural/functional Materials-Ke Yang
Pubdate: 2008-12-24