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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2021, Vol. 41 Issue (7): 58-65    DOI: 10.13523/j.cb.2104037
Synthesis of Benzfetamine Artificial Antigen
KANG Ke-ren1,2,YUAN Qiang1,2,*(),LIANG Fei-min1,WU Li-xian1
1 Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co., Ltd, R&D Center, Guangzhou 510663, China
2 Guangzhou Zhengfu Testing Co., Ltd, Guangzhou A&C Institution of Forensic Toxicology, Guangzhou 510663, China
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Objective: To produce benzyphetamine antigen by coupling modified benzyphetamine using the chemical method with carrier protein and its epitope was preserved.Methods: Benzafetamine artificial antigen was prepared by conjugation of carrier protein with benzafetamine hapten that was synthesized by adding active groups to a class of available chemically modified link arms by the carbodiimide method.The results were identified by UV absorption spectroscopy, SDS-PAGE and colloidal gold immunochromatography.Results: Through these tests, the Benzfetamine from this experimental scheme was successfully coupled to the carrier.This antigen had high purity,good activity and good anti-cross interference reaction,which also had high specificity with Benzfetamine antibody.Conclusion: The Benzfetamine antigen synthesized by this method can be used in immunoassay methods, and can also be used as an immunogen to prepare relevant antibodies.

Key wordsBenzfetamine      Artificial antigen      Carbodiimide method      Immunoassay     
Received: 21 April 2021      Published: 03 August 2021
ZTFLH:  S852  
Corresponding Authors: Qiang YUAN     E-mail:
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KANG Ke-ren,YUAN Qiang,LIANG Fei-min,WU Li-xian. Synthesis of Benzfetamine Artificial Antigen. China Biotechnology, 2021, 41(7): 58-65.

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Fig.1 4-(Benzyl (1-phenylpropane-2-yl)amino) butyric acid
Fig.2 4-(Benzyl (1-phenylpropane-2-yl) amino) butyric acid ESI-MS analysis
Fig.3 The synthetic route of benzfetamine antigen
Fig.4 UV spectrogram of benzfetamine hapten, bovine serum protein and benzfetamine antigen
Fig.5 Electrophoresis of benzfetamine antigen protein
Fig.6 Colloidal gold immunochromatographic test strip 1: Filter paper. 2: Glass cellulose paper. 3: Test line. 4: Quality control line. 5: Absorbent paper. 6: Support plate. 7: Nitrocellulose membrane
Fig.7 Sensitivity test results of colloidal gold immunochromatography test strip “+” means positive,“-” means negative
编号 药物名称 浓度 /(μg/mL) 测试结果 编号 药物名称 浓度 /(μg/mL) 测试结果
1 盐酸麻黄碱 100 - 47 格列本脲 100 -
2 盐酸哌替啶 100 - 48 硝酸异山梨酯片 100 -
3 福尔可定 100 - 49 酚妥拉明 100 -
4 O3单乙酰吗啡 100 - 50 盐酸文拉法辛 100 -
5 磷酸可待因 100 - 51 赖诺普利片 100 -
6 枸橼酸芬太尼 100 - 52 孟鲁司特钠片 100 -
7 美沙酮 100 - 53 氢氯噻嗪 100 -
8 蒂巴因 0.1 - 54 辛伐他汀片 100 -
9 乙酰可待因 100 - 55 螺内酯片 100 -
10 罂粟碱 100 - 56 阿托伐他汀钙片 100 -
11 盐酸纳洛酮 100 - 57 非诺贝特 100 -
12 盐酸纳曲酮 100 - 58 卡马西平 100 -
13 盐酸普鲁卡因 100 - 59 盐酸利多卡因注射液 100 -
14 奥美拉唑 100 - 60 尼莫地平片 100 -
15 萘磺酸右丙氧芬 100 - 61 多潘立酮片(吗丁啉) 100 -
16 司可巴比妥 100 - 62 枸橼酸莫沙必利分散片 100 -
17 安非他命 10 - 63 盐酸胺碘酮片 100 -
18 苯巴比妥 100 - 64 克拉霉素胶囊 100 -
19 盐酸氟西汀 10 - 65 盐酸环丙沙星片 100 -
20 盐酸可卡因 100 - 66 对乙酰氨基酚片 100 -
21 盐酸地芬诺酯 100 - 67 地红霉素肠溶胶囊 100 -
22 盐酸伪麻黄碱 50 - 68 硝苯地平片 100 -
23 盐酸雷尼替丁 100 - 69 头孢克洛胶囊 100 -
24 盐酸摇头丸 10 - 70 氯氮平 100 -
25 盐酸曲马多 100 - 71 卡托普利片 100 -
26 吗啡 100 - 72 头孢拉定胶囊 100 -
27 氯胺酮 100 - 73 青霉素V钾片 100 -
28 苯甲酰爱康宁 100 - 74 甲磺酸氨氯地平片 100 -
29 阿司匹林 100 - 75 马来酸依那普利片 100 -
30 巴比妥 100 - 76 酒石酸美托洛尔片 100 -
31 甲基苯丙胺 10 - 77 利福平胶囊 100 -
32 埃索美拉唑镁 100 - 78 盐酸吡格列酮分散片 100 -
33 咖啡因 10 - 79 氯雷他定片(百为乐) 100 -
34 Magnesium 100 - 80 尼可刹米 100 -
35 葡萄糖 100 - 81 呋塞米片 1 -
36 丙硫氧嘧啶片 50 - 82 硫酸氢氯吡格雷片 100 -
37 米非司酮片 100 - 83 硝酸甘油片 100 -
38 四环素片 100 - 84 阿托品 100 -
39 格列齐特片 100 - 85 左炔诺孕酮片 100 -
40 阿昔洛韦片 100 - 86 Heartburn Relief 100 -
41 左氧氟沙星 100 - 87 Acid Reducer 100 -
42 酮康唑片(里素劳) 100 - 88 Airshield 100 -
43 氨苄西林胶囊 100 - 89 I Caps 100 -
44 维生素C片 100 - 90 Fuel 100 -
45 氨茶碱片 0.1 - 91 Sinus&Allergy 100 -
46 兰索拉唑片 50 -
Table 1 Results of interference drug test of colloidal gold immunochromatography dipstrip
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