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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology
Infectious Clones of Herpesvirus Based on Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes
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Abstract  Due to the large, complex genomes, the genetic analysis of herpesviruses has been a constant challenge. Recently, a completely new approach for full-length infectious clones of herpesviruses based on bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) has been developed. This technique has facilitated the analysis of viral gene functions in the context of genome. In this review, with Epstein-Barr virus as an example, the principle, establishment of the technique and mutation introduction into the BAC plasmid were described, the perspective in the use of BAC-cloned herpesviruses was also discussed.

Key wordsherpesvirus     
Received: 28 December 2005      Published: 25 June 2006
Cite this article:

. Infectious Clones of Herpesvirus Based on Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes. China Biotechnology, 2006, 26(06): 78-82.

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