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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology
Setting up of the tumor angiogenesis model in vitro
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Abstract  We set up the tumor angiogenesis model in vitro by embedding the rat aortic rings in collegen and culturing them in serum-free MCDB 131 culture medium with or without lung cancer A549 cells. This model was based on the rat aortic ring model. In both control cultures and cultures supplemented with lung cancer A549 cells, most of the microvessels sprouted from the cut edges of the aortic rings. Microvessels usually appeared by the third day, at their maximal growth by days 6-10 and began to degenerate by the end of the second week, but cultures supplemented with lung cancer A549 cells could generate more microvessels than control. We concluded from current study that Lung cancer A549 cells could promote angiogenesis. The rat aortic ring model is simple and sensitive. It is a promising meathod to study angiogenesis and its mechanisms.

Received: 08 September 2005      Published: 25 March 2006
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. Setting up of the tumor angiogenesis model in vitro. China Biotechnology, 2006, 26(03): 17-21.

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