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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology
The compare of structure disruption of BSA by ultrasonication and French Press
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Abstract  To investigate the structure disruption of BSA (1mg/ml, dissolved in PBS) induced by ultrasonication and the French press. The BSA solution was passed through the French press and received ultrasound irradiation, and then detected by HPLC(Highperformance liquid chromatography),DLS(Dynamic Light Scattering),CD(Circular Dichroism)and nondenaturing SDSPAGE. Detection results showed that BSA was polymerized after ultrasound irradiation and the polymerization can be reduced by adding mannitol (free radical scavenger). This means that the free radical play an important role in this process. However, the BSA passing through the French press for several times wasn’t polymerized, and the secondary structure was somewhat destroyed. These results suggested that ultrasound irradiation and French press destroy the molecular structure in different manners, so that the suitable cell lyses methods should be selected according to the characteristics of the protein.

Received: 25 January 2006      Published: 25 January 2006
Cite this article:

. The compare of structure disruption of BSA by ultrasonication and French Press. China Biotechnology, 2006, 26(01): 46-49.

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