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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2009, Vol. 29 Issue (11): 89-93    DOI:
Application Status and Evaluation of Combination Vaccines
REN Jun,LI Jian-min,CHEN Wei
Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, State Key Laboratory of Pathogens and Biosecurity, Beijing 100071, China
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A combination vaccine which consists of ≥2 immunogens is intended to provide protection against two or more diseases or against multiple serotypes of a single disease. The use of combination vaccines decrease the number of vaccine injections in the regular immunization schedules. However,the development of combination vaccines is more complicated than monovalent vaccines, preservatives and adjuvants used with one component may alter the potency of other components. Physical, chemical, and biological interactions between the components of combination vaccines must be considered to avoid detrimental effects on safety or efficacy. Therefore combination vaccines present unique challenges for product evaluation. This paper presents a review of research application status, the evaluation of effectiveness and safety, as well as development prospects on combination vaccines.

Key wordsCombination vaccines      Efficacy      Safety     
Received: 27 February 2009      Published: 07 December 2009
ZTFLH:  R186  
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LIN Jun, LI Jian-Min, CHEN Wei. Application Status and Evaluation of Combination Vaccines. China Biotechnology, 2009, 29(11): 89-93.

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