Overview of Biotechnology and Bioindustry in New Zealand" /> Overview of Biotechnology and Bioindustry in New Zealand" /> Overview of Biotechnology and Bioindustry in New Zealand" /> 新西兰生物科技及产业现状及特点
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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2008, Vol. 28 Issue (10): 5-7    DOI:
Overview of Biotechnology and Bioindustry in New Zealand
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AbstractThe bioindustry of New Zealand does not rank high world widely in the sense of the scale. However it is the indispensable part of the country's economy. Prestigious fields of New Zealand biotechnology focus on agribiotechnology and biomedicine research, e.g. large animal and plantbased research, the researches on biosafety, environment protection, neuroscience, cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis and asthma, diabetes, tumor, and etc. The New Zealand government has attached great importance to the development of biotechnology and bioindustry. The officially announced “The Growth and Innovation Framework” in 2002 listed biotechnology as one of the 3 pillars underpinning the future economy of New Zealand and planned to increase the investment in biotechnology and bioindustry as the important measure for the New Zealand's transformation to hightech economy.
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Published: 25 October 2008
Cite this article:

. Overview of Biotechnology and Bioindustry in New Zealand. China Biotechnology, 2008, 28(10): 5-7.


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