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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology
A speedy extraction method for bacterial chromosomal DNA
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Abstract  How to get functional gene from uncultured-microbiology is the hotspot content of microbial ecology. What the most important is how to obtain the pure and integrated genomic DNA. This article had showed an efficient, nonselective extraction method to gain chromosomal DNA from eight kinds of bacteria. Amount DNA released by hot-detergent gave the highest DNA yields from different G+ and G- bacteria. Running 20 hours by PFGE mode, the size of total DNA is over 23kb. The pure DNA could be digested by Hind III and used in PCR. The total environmental DNA also can be extracted from soil by the same method. As a result it showed a new way for the environmental DNA extraction.

Received: 13 October 2005      Published: 25 April 2006
Cite this article:

. A speedy extraction method for bacterial chromosomal DNA. China Biotechnology, 2006, 26(04): 75-80.

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