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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology
The Synthesis of Novel Protein Modification Reagent and its Application of Modifying Bovine Hemoglobin
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Abstract  A novel tetrafunctional reagent for protein modification was successfully synthesized by L-glutamic acid and adipic acid, and it was characterized by H1-NMR and FTIR. The new reagent was then applied to modify bovine hemoglobin, and the preliminary properties of modified protein were characterized by HPLC, SDS-PAGE and Hemox Analyzer. The results showed that the intra-molecular and inter-molecular cross-linking of bovine hemoglobin was formed simultaneously by using the new reagent, and the modified hemoglobin performed well for O2 delivery (P50: 21.7 mmHg, Hill coefficient: 2.01). Therefore, the new cross-linking reagent is promising in development of stroma-free hemoglobin based artificial blood substitutes.

Key wordsBlood substitutes      Bovine hemoglobin      Chemical modification     
Received: 10 February 2006      Published: 25 March 2006
Cite this article:

. The Synthesis of Novel Protein Modification Reagent and its Application of Modifying Bovine Hemoglobin. China Biotechnology, 2006, 26(03): 6-10.

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