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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2021, Vol. 41 Issue (12): 4-12    DOI: 10.13523/j.cb.2111010
CRISPR/Cas Plant Genome Editing Systems and Their Applications in Maize
YANG Meng-bing1,2,JIANG Yi-lin1,2,ZHU Lei1,2,AN Xue-li1,2,3,**(),WAN Xiang-yuan1,2,3,**()
1 Research Center of Biology and Agriculture, Shunde Graduate School, School of Chemistry and Biological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China
2 Zhongzhi International Institute of Agricultural Biosciences, Beijing 100192, China
3 Beijing Engineering Laboratory of Main Crop Bio-Tech Breeding, Beijing International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Bio-Tech Breeding, Beijing Solidwill Sci-Tech Co., Ltd., Beijing 100192, China
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Due to their simplicity and high efficiency, CRISPR/Cas systems provide efficient tools for functional genomics and crop molecular breeding. In this review, we summarize the current developments of CRISPR/Cas genomic editing systems in plants and compare the differences between these systems and their derivative technologies. We review the applications of CRISPR/Cas9 editing technology in maize improvement focusing on yield, quality, disease resistance, abiotic stress resistance, male sterile line development and haploid induction. Finally, we discuss the future improvement of CRISPR/Cas systems and provide perspectives on prospect genome editing technologies.

Key wordsCRISPR/Cas systems      Genome editing      Plant genome      Genetic improvement of maize     
Received: 02 November 2021      Published: 13 January 2022
ZTFLH:  Q819  
Corresponding Authors: Xue-li AN,Xiang-yuan WAN     E-mail:;
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YANG Meng-bing,JIANG Yi-lin,ZHU Lei,AN Xue-li,WAN Xiang-yuan. CRISPR/Cas Plant Genome Editing Systems and Their Applications in Maize. China Biotechnology, 2021, 41(12): 4-12.

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比较项目 CRISPR/Cas9 CRISPR/Cas12 CRISPR/Cas13 单碱基编辑 引导编辑
分类 Class II Type II Class II Type V Class II Type VI CRISPR/Cas9衍生工具 CRISPR/Cas9衍生工具
核心元件 tracRNA、crRNA、
胞嘧啶或腺嘌呤脱氨酶、UGI、nCas9、sgRNA nCas9、M-MLV逆转录酶、pegRNA
关键结构域 RuvC、HNH RuvC-like、 Nuc HEPN HNH RuvC
靶向核酸类型 dsDNA dsDNA ssRNA dsDNA dsDNA
靶位点 PAM序列的5'端2~3 nt处 PAM序列下游18 nt处 和23 nt处 靶标ssRNA,可非特异性切割ssRNA PAM序列上游的C或A(5~12碱基内) 单链缺口处
靶位点限制 PAM序列通常为NGG 严格的 PAM 序列“TTTV” 需识别或不需识别PFS序列 PAM序列通常为NGG 受PAM限制较小
编辑效率 较高 较高 较高
脱靶频率 较高 较高 较低
优势 载体构建简单,可实现多靶点编辑 适用于更多装载量小的载体系统,有利于DNA片段的定点插入和替换 可以特异性靶向切割病毒RNA和真核细胞中的内源RNA 可以实现精确的碱基替换 有效地产生精确的碱基替换、插入和缺失等突变
缺点 会对细胞基因组造成一定的损伤 低温下编辑效率低 具有非特异性切割活性,脱靶率较高 同一编辑系统对不同靶点的编辑效率差异较大 在植物中的编辑效率是极低和不稳定
Table 1 Comparison of CRISPR/Cas systems and the derivative technologies
Fig.1 The mechanisms of CRISPR/Cas9 and CRISPR/Cas12a genome editing systems PAM: Protospacer adjacent motif; RuvC, HNH: The nuclease domains of Cas9; DSB: Double strand break; NHEJ: Non-homologous end joining; HDR: Homology directed repair; blue module indicates Cas9 protein
Fig.2 General procedure of genome editing in maize based on CRISPR/Cas9 system
应用 靶标基因 基因功能 编辑方式 性状改良 参考文献
提高产量 ZmLG1 编码SBP转录因子类蛋白 碱基插入和缺失 减小叶夹角,提高种植密度 [30]
ZmCLE7 控制分生组织大小 碱基插入和缺失 行和籽粒产量增加 [31]
改善品质 ZmWx1 编码GBSS酶 碱基插入和缺失 糯玉米 [32]
ZmSh2 编码AGPase酶 碱基插入和缺失 甜玉米 [33]
增强抗逆性 ARGOS8 乙烯反应的负调节因子 片段插入 提高耐旱能力 [34]
ZmALS2 编码乙酰乳酸合成酶 碱基插入和缺失 抗除草剂 [35]
ZmALS1 编码乙酰乳酸合成酶 碱基替换 抗除草剂 [36]
stiff1 编码F-box结构域蛋白 碱基缺失 提高茎秆强度,抗倒伏 [37]
GA20ox3 赤霉素生物合成相关基因 碱基插入和缺失 降低株高,抗倒伏 [38]
LOX3 编码脂氧合酶 碱基插入和缺失 抗玉米黑粉菌感染 [39]
调控开花时间 ZmPHYC1 编码玉米光敏色素蛋白 碱基插入和缺失 长日照条件表现为早花 [40]
ZmCCT9 编码CCT转录因子 碱基缺失 长日照条件引起早开花 [41]
创制雄性不育系 MS26 编码细胞色素P450 碱基插入和缺失 花粉发育异常,雄性不育 [35]
MS45 编码异胡豆苷合成酶类似蛋白 碱基插入和缺失 花粉发育异常,雄性不育 [35]
ZmTMS5 编码RNase Z蛋白 碱基缺失 温敏雄性不育植株 [42]
ZmMS8 编码β-1,3-半乳糖基转移酶 碱基插入和缺失 花药发育异常,雄性不育 [43]
Dcl5 介导产生24 nt phasiRNA 碱基插入和缺失 温敏雄性不育植株 [44]
单倍体育种 ZmDMP 编码DUF679膜蛋白 碱基插入和缺失 诱导单倍体产生 [45]
ZmPLA1 编码磷脂酶A 碱基插入和缺失 诱导单倍体产生 [46]
多性状改良 - - 片段插入 多性状基因的聚合 [47]
Table 2 Applications of CRISPR/Cas9 technology in maize improvement
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