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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2020, Vol. 40 Issue (12): 108-116    DOI: 10.13523/j.cb.2006012
Development Situation and Suggestions of Biomedicine Patent-intensive Industry, Based on the Case Study of Shanghai
HUANG Peng-fei1,CHEN Yun2,LU Jiao2,MAO Kai-yun2,YUAN Yin-chi2,**()
1 National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Building Materials and Decoration Materials,Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai 201114, China
2 Shanghai Information Center for Life Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China
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Objective: Based on the analysis of macro data, the industrial development and patent situations of the Shanghai biomedical industry are revealed, corresponding suggestions are proposed. Methods: By comparing the biomedical industry and patent data of several provinces and cities in China, Shanghai biomedical industry development situation, economic contribution and patent layout are specifically analyzed. Results: The industrial spatial pattern with Yangtze River Delta and Bohai Rim as the core region, Pearl River Delta and Sichuan-Chongqing as the fast-growing region has been formed. The Pudong New Area occupies a leading position in the Shanghai biomedical industry, and that universities, research institutes are the main body of patent applications. Conclusion: Shanghai should optimize the industry carrying space, strengthen the concentration of development factors, deepen the advancement from “point breakthrough” to “chain innovation”, build a biomedical agglomeration, and accelerate the implementation of technological R&D and industrialization.

Key wordsBiomedical industry      Patent-intensive industry      Industry analysis      Patent analysis     
Received: 09 June 2020      Published: 14 January 2021
ZTFLH:  Q819  
Corresponding Authors: Yin-chi YUAN     E-mail:
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HUANG Peng-fei,CHEN Yun,LU Jiao,MAO Kai-yun,YUAN Yin-chi. Development Situation and Suggestions of Biomedicine Patent-intensive Industry, Based on the Case Study of Shanghai. China Biotechnology, 2020, 40(12): 108-116.

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行业代码 行业代码名称 行业代码 行业代码名称
1491 营养食品制造 2760 生物药品制造
1492 保健食品制造 2770 卫生材料及医药用品制造
1495 食品及饲料添加剂制造 2915 日用及医用橡胶制品制造
2631 化学农药制造 3544 制药专用设备制造
2632 生物化学农药及微生物农药制造 3581 医疗诊断、监护及治疗设备制造
2710 化学药品原料药制造 3582 口腔科用设备及器具制造
2720 化学药品制剂制造 3583 医疗实验室及医用消毒设备和器具制造
2730 中药饮片加工 3584 医疗、外科及兽医用器械制造
2740 中成药生产 3585 机械治疗及病房护理设备制造
2750 兽用药品制造 3586 假肢、人工器官及植(介)入器械制造
Table 1 Industry code corresponding to the biomedical industry
Fig.1 Prime operating revenue and growth rate of Chinese pharmaceutical industry in recent decades Replace “prime operating revenue” with “operating revenue”from 2019 Source: National Bureau of Statistics
企业单位数(个) 平均从业人员(万人) 主营业务收入(亿元) 资产总值(亿元) 出口交货值(亿元)
全国 7 581 207.5 24 264.7 32 913.1 2 020.7
江苏省 681 21.54 3 431.34 3 166.88 378.6
广东省 453 13.09 1 623.83 3 384.01 276.65
山东省 485 27 2 907.7 4 023.1 220.6
浙江省 430 13.72 1 433.2 2 442.99 341.75
上海市 457 6.2 846.58 1 475.37 137.7
湖北省 403 12.76 1 273.19 1 692.76 112.5
四川省 471 11.39 1 331.91 1 422.31 19.74
北京市 216 7.69 1 108.8 1 622.5 55.97
河南省 449 13.31 1 137.1 1 284.82 15.47
湖南省 354 6.9 964.92 605.39 15.62
吉林省 334 6.6 584.03 1 471.21 24.21
重庆市 133 4.17 533.28 686.12 18.83
辽宁省 133 526.5 723.2 40.83
Table 2 Comparison of pharmaceutical industrial enterprises above designated size data among provinces and cities in 2018
Fig.2 The invention patents authorization and growth rate of China and Shanghai biomedical industry in recent decades
Fig.3 The invention patents authorization of Chinese biomedical industry top 15 cities in recent decades
Fig.4 The invention patents authorization of China and Shanghai biomedical subfield in recent decades
Fig.5 The contribution of Shanghai biomedical patent-intensive industry to economy in 2013-2017
Fig.6 Scatter plot and primary curve fitting between invention patent intensity and total industrial output value According to the “Statistical Classification of Intellectual Property (Patent) Intensive Industries (2019)”, the intensity of invention patents refers to the number of invention patents granted by a unit of employment for five consecutive years, that is, the scale of invention patents and the average annual number of employees in the same period ratio
Fig.7 The invention patents authorization of Shanghai biomedical industry top 10 districts in recent decades The authorized amount of invention patents in each district is shown in the outer circle of the figure, and the proportion of high-quality invention patents with a value of 9 or more in Incopat database is shown in the inner circle
Fig.8 The total industrial output value and the number of enterprises in the main clusters of Shanghai biomedical industry in 2018 Source: Hsmap database
TOP 4区
依托园区 代表机构 研发方向
浦东新区 张江高科技园区(含张江生物医药基地,即“张江药谷”)、上海国际医学园区、临港新片区生命蓝湾、康桥工业园区 中国科学院(发明专利授权411件,包含上海药物研究所、上海高等研究院)、上海中医药大学(248);
闵行区 闵行经济技术开发区、上海新虹桥国际医学中心、紫竹高新技术产业开发区、莘庄工业区、漕河泾浦江园、临港浦江国际科技城 上海交通大学(2371)、华东师范大学(97)、上海电机学院(36);
杨浦区 上海五角场高新技术产业园区 中国人民解放军第二军医大学(1214)、复旦大学(933)、同济大学(721)、上海理工大学(483)、新华医院(70) 生物试剂和原料、生物医药研发
徐汇区 枫林生命科学园区、漕河泾新兴技术开发区(地跨徐汇区、闵行区和松江区) 中国科学院(1138,包括原上海生命科学研究院、上海有机化学研究所等)、华东理工大学(783)、上海师范大学(231)、中山医院(129)、上海应用技术大学(88)、上海市肿瘤研究所(59);
Table 3 The invention patents authorization of Shanghai biomedical industry top 4 districts in recent decades
Fig.9 Cooperation between important patentees of Shanghai biomedical industry Drawing with the UCINET software
Fig.10 Coordinated development roadmap for biomedical industry
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