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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2020, Vol. 40 Issue (7): 59-69    DOI: 10.13523/j.cb.2001061
Molecular Mechanism and Clinical Research Progress of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
CHEN Fei,WANG Xiao-bing,XU Zeng-hui(),QIAN Qi-jun()
Shanghai Cell Therapy Engineering Technology Research Center, Shanghai 200000, China
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Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease of hyperglycemia caused by various factors, which has developed into one of the epidemic diseases. Chemical anti-diabetic drugs can control the blood glucose and delay the progress of the disease, which needs to be taken for a long time to be effectively controlled. The current gold standard therapy for pancreas transplantation, but it has not been widely used because of the shortage of pancreas and the need for long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a kind of self-proliferation cells with the potential of multi-directional differentiation and paracrine characteristics. Recent studies have proved that MSCs have positive effects in the treatment of diabetes, and are considered as the ideal cell type for treatment of diabetes. Therefore, this review The molecular mechanisms and clinical research of MSCs for diabetes mellitus were briefly described.

Key wordsDiabetes mellitus      Mesenchymal stem cells      Mesenchymal stem cells differentiation      Paracrine     
Received: 20 January 2020      Published: 13 August 2020
ZTFLH:  Q813  
Corresponding Authors: Zeng-hui XU,Qi-jun QIAN     E-mail:;
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CHEN Fei,WANG Xiao-bing,XU Zeng-hui,QIAN Qi-jun. Molecular Mechanism and Clinical Research Progress of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. China Biotechnology, 2020, 40(7): 59-69.

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Fig.1 Statistics on the proportion and number of diabetics with diabetes and IGT in China in 2017. And the prediction of the proportion and number of people suffering from diabetes and IGT in 2045 (a) Statistics the proportion of Diabetes and IGT in China in 2017and 2045 (b) Statistics the number of Diabetes and IGT in China Data from IDF in 2017 and 2045
Fig.2 Introduction the function of mesenchymal stem cells
细胞来源 诱导程序 基础培养基 诱导剂 培养天数 参考文献
第一步 无血清H-DMEM 0.5mmol/L β-巯基乙醇 2天 [20-21]
BM-MSCs 第二步 无血清H-DMEM 1%非必需氨基酸、20ng/ml β-FGF、2% B27,2mmol/L L-谷氨酰胺 8天
第三步 无血清H-DMEM 10ng/ml β-FGF、10ng/ml 激活素 A、2%B27、10mmol/L烟酰胺 8天
UC-MSCs 第一步 10%FBS H-DMEM 6mmol/L维甲酸 2天 [22]
第二步 10%FBS L-DMEM 10mmol/L烟酰胺、20ng/ml表皮生长因子 6天
第三步 10%FBS L-DMEM 10nmol/L 肠促胰岛素类似物-4 6天
ADSCs 一步法诱导 DMEM/F12 10mmol/L烟酰胺、2nmol/L 激活素-A、10nmol/L 肠促胰岛素类似物-4、100pmol/L HGF、10nmol/L五肽促胃酸激素、B27血清替代物、N-2添加剂 3天 [26-27]
Table 1 The processes of mesenchymal MSCs induction into insulin producing cell in vitro
序列 细胞来源 回输细胞数量 受试者数 注射方式 随访时间 治疗效果 参考文献
1 HSC 11.0×106cells /kg 28 静脉 36个月 AUCc-pep↑, GAD↓, HbA1C↓,胰岛素需求量↓ [72]
2 BM-MNC 180×106cells /kg 3 肝穿刺 12个月 ICA、GAD、抗胰岛素抗体水平为阴性,C肽水平↑,HbA1c↓ [73]
3 UC-MSCs 2.6 ±1.2×107 cells 29 24个月 FPG↓,PPG↓,HbA1c↓,C肽水平↑,CPGR↑,胰岛素需求量↓ [74]
4 BM-MSC 2.75×106cells/kg 20 静脉 12个月 C肽水平↑或者─ [75]
5 AD-MSC and BM-HSC 20 门脉+胸腺循环及皮下组织 24个月 HbA1c↓,C肽水平↑,胰岛素需求量↓,GAD↓ [29]
6 UC-MSCs and aBM-MNC 1.1×106cells /kg and 106.8×106cells /kg 42 胰背动脉 12个月 AUCc-pep↑,胰岛素面积↑,HbA1C↓,胰岛素需求量↓ [76]
Table 2 Effect of MSCs from different sources on clinical study of type 1 diabetes
序列 细胞来源 细胞回输数量 受试者数 注射方式 随访时间 治疗效果 参考文献
1 BM-MSCs 3.5±1.4×108cells 10 12指肠 6个月 HbA1c↓, 胰岛素需求量↓ [77]
2 BM-MSCs 2.8 ± 1.9 × 109cells 118 胰背动脉 33个月 FPG↓,HbA1c↓,C肽水平↑,CPGR↑, 胰岛素需求量↓ [78]
3 UC-MSCs 1.0×106cells/kg 61 静脉 36个月 FPG↓,HbA1c↓,PPG↓, C肽水平↑,CPGR↑, HOMA-β↑,胰岛素需求量↓ [79]
4 UC-MSCs 1.8×106cells /kg 18 静脉 6个月 FPG↓,PPG↓,C肽水平↑, Tregs↑ [80]
5 PDSC 1.35×106cells /kg 10 静脉 3个月 胰岛素需求量↓,C肽水平↑ [81]
6 ADSCs NA 40 静脉 3个月 FPG↓,HbA1c↓,胰岛素需求量↓,C肽水平↑ [82]
Table 3 Effect of MSCs from different sources on clinical study of type II diabetes
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[3] ZHAO Jiu-mei,WANG Zhe,LI Xue-ying. Role of Signal Pathways and Related Factors Regulating Cartilage Formation in Bone Differentiation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells[J]. China Biotechnology, 2021, 41(10): 62-72.
[4] YUAN Ya-kun,LIU Guang-yang,LIU Yong-jun,XIE Ya-fang,WU Hao. Comparison of Research and Clinical Transformation on Mesenchymal Stem Cells between China and the US[J]. China Biotechnology, 2020, 40(4): 97-107.
[5] CHEN Li-jun,QU Jing-jing,XIANG Charlie. Therapeutic Potentials, Clinical Studies, and Application Prospects of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)[J]. China Biotechnology, 2020, 40(11): 43-55.
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[7] Wen-wen SHI,Lei ZHANG. Current Research of Micro Mechanical Environmental Effects on Mesenchymal Stem Cells’ Differentiation[J]. China Biotechnology, 2018, 38(8): 76-83.
[8] Yan ZHENG,Huan YAO,Ke YANG. SFRP5 Inhibites Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Umbilical Cord-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Induced by BMP9[J]. China Biotechnology, 2018, 38(7): 7-13.
[9] Qiu-xia YAN,Yi MA,An HONG. Research Progress of Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-activating Polypeptide (PACAP) as a New Potential Therapeutic Peptide in Diabetes and Its Complications[J]. China Biotechnology, 2018, 38(1): 62-68.
[10] SUN Yi-ping, WANG Yue, JIN Zhen, WANG Xiao-yan, SUN Lei, ZHANG Xuan, FENG Chong, ZHOU Xiao-hua. Establishment and Phenotype Analysis of SHBG Knockout Mouse Model[J]. China Biotechnology, 2017, 37(8): 39-45.
[11] YUAN Ya-hong, ZHAO Shan-shan, WANG Xiao-li, TENG Zhi-ping, LI Dong-sheng, ZENG Yi. HIV-1 Tat Protein Inhibits the Hematopoiesis Support Function of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells[J]. China Biotechnology, 2017, 37(6): 1-8.
[12] CAO Jun-jie, LI Ai-fang, WEI Ya-lin, LIAN Jing, TANG Min. Role of Notch Signaling Pathway in Bone Morphogenetic Protein 4-induced Osteogenic Differentiation of Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Its Mechanism[J]. China Biotechnology, 2017, 37(4): 48-55.
[13] ZHAO Zheng-de, CHEN Zhen-yin, ZHANG Hui-nan, GONG Jian-ping, XU Shao-dan, LUO Zhong-li. Effects of Self-assembling Peptide Hydrogel Scaffolds for Three-dimensional Culture on Biological Behavior and Capability of Myocardium Differentiation in Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells[J]. China Biotechnology, 2017, 37(11): 45-51.
[14] MAO Kai-yun, FAN Yue-lei, WANG Yue, LU Jiao, CHEN Da-ming. Development Status and Trend Analysis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Therapeutic Products[J]. China Biotechnology, 2017, 37(10): 126-135.
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