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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2020, Vol. 40 Issue (4): 97-107    DOI: 10.13523/j.cb.1909020
Comparison of Research and Clinical Transformation on Mesenchymal Stem Cells between China and the US
YUAN Ya-kun1,2,LIU Guang-yang3,4,LIU Yong-jun3,4,XIE Ya-fang3,4,WU Hao1,2,*()
1 National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2 School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
3 Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine Institution, Yi-Chuang Institute of Bio- Industry, Beijing 100176, China
4 Beijing Believe China Biotech Co., Ltd. Beijing 100176, China
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Objective: Compare the development status and trends of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in basic research, patent application and clinical trial registration between China and the US. Find out the main characteristics of MSCs research in these two countries and provide suggestions for Chinese MSCs development. Methods: The paper data in SCI database, the patent data in DII database and the clinical trial data in Clinical Trials database are retrieved. The quantitative analysis is carried out by Excel and DDA. SWOT analysis is used to discuss the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of Chinese MSCs development. Results: Although China started late on MSCs research, it has developed rapidly in recent years. The number of papers since 2014 and patent applications in 2016 exceeds that of the United States, and the number of clinical trials has reached more than 200. China has advantages in the research fields of osteoporosis and spinal cord injury and some clinical trials such as endocrine system diseases and autoimmune diseases. However, there is still room for improvement in the study of MSCs in China. Conclusion: China should give full play to its existing advantages and strengthen the strategic layout; attach importance to the enterprise-led new drug development path; make efforts to enhance its international competitiveness and influence; increase capital investment and support of industrial policies and improve the regulatory mechanism and evaluation system.

Key wordsMesenchymal stem cells      Regenerative medicine      Clinical trial     
Received: 10 September 2019      Published: 18 May 2020
ZTFLH:  Q819  
Corresponding Authors: Hao WU     E-mail:
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YUAN Ya-kun,LIU Guang-yang,LIU Yong-jun,XIE Ya-fang,WU Hao. Comparison of Research and Clinical Transformation on Mesenchymal Stem Cells between China and the US. China Biotechnology, 2020, 40(4): 97-107.

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Fig.1 Biological characteristics of MSCs
Fig.2 The trend in the number of papers
Fig.3 The trend in the number of papers in China and the US in the past decade
序号 美国 数量 中国 数量
1 哈佛大学 821 上海交通大学 1 260
2 匹兹堡大学 616 四川大学 824
3 斯坦福大学 531 中国科学院 813
4 密歇根大学 511 浙江大学 804
5 加州大学洛杉矶分校 443 中山大学 778
6 约翰霍普金斯大学 438 第四军医大学 612
7 宾夕法尼亚大学 415 北京大学 477
8 伊利诺伊大学 407 中国医学科学院 470
9 梅奥诊所 389 复旦大学 452
10 加州大学旧金山分校 359 华中科技大学 443
Table 1 The top 10 organizations in China and the US in the past decade
Fig.4 Key words of papers in China and the US in the past decade
Fig.5 The trend in the number of patent applications
Fig.6 The trend in the number of patent applications in China and the US
序号 美国 中国 序号 美国 中国
1 A61K C12N 6 G01N A61Q
2 C12N A61K 7 A61F C07K
3 A61P A61P 8 C12Q C12M
4 A61L A61L 9 A01N C12Q
5 C07K A01N 10 C12M G01N
Table 2 The technical fields distribution of patent in China and the US
Fig.7 The trend in the number of clinical trials in China and the US
Fig.8 The phases distribution of clinical trials in China and the US
序号 美国 数量 中国 数量
1 梅奥诊所 28 中山大学附属第三医院 18
2 迈阿密大学 20 中国科学院 16
3 Mesoblast International Sàrl 13 南京大学医学院附属南京鼓楼医院 16
4 Mesoblast, Ltd. 13 南方医科大学南方医院 15
5 美国国家心肺血液研究所 11 中山大学 15
Table 3 The main organizations of clinical trials in China and the US
目前试验状态 美国 百分比 中国 百分比
已完成 61 30.35% 23 10.70%
正在招募 66 32.84% 50 23.26%
尚未开始招募 11 5.47% 15 6.98%
进行中,目前不招募 24 11.94% 9 4.19%
邀请注册 6 2.99% 3 1.40%
提前停止,可能重新开始 3 1.49% 1 0.47%
提前停止,不再开始 11 5.47% 0 0.00%
取消招募 10 4.98% 1 0.47%
状态未知 9 4.48% 113 52.56%
总计 201 100.00% 215 100.00%
Table 4 The status distribution of clinical trials in China and the US
对比角度 美国 中国
审评程序 FDA统一负责 省局受理、国家局审评中心审评、国家局审批
审评费用获取 半商业化 主要由国家财政拨款
创新药医保 新药上市一年自动进入医保目录且定期增补 新药上市后没有明确进入医保目录及定期增补的相关规定
Table 5 Differences between China and the US on new drug supervision
序号 药品名称 企业名称 承办日期 适应症
1 自体人源脂肪间充质祖细胞注射液 西比曼生物科技(上海)有限公司 无锡赛比曼生物科技有限公司 2019/7/10 膝骨关节炎
2 人脐带间充质干细胞注射液 上海爱萨尔生物科技有限公司 2019/2/28 膝骨关节炎
3 人原始间充质干细胞 天津麦迪森再生医学有限公司 2019/2/12 (不明)
4 人脐带间充质干细胞注射液 青岛奥克生物开发有限公司 2018/12/5 溃疡性结肠炎
5 人胎盘间充质干细胞凝胶 北京汉氏联合生物技术股份有限公司 2018/11/23 糖尿病足溃疡
6 CBM-ALAM.1异体人源脂肪间充质祖细胞注射液 无锡赛比曼生物科技有限公司 西比曼生物科技(上海)有限公司 2018/11/07 膝骨关节炎
7 注射用间充质干细胞(脐带) 天津昂赛细胞基因工程有限公司 2018/9/30 移植物抗宿主病
8 人牙髓间充质干细胞注射液 北京三有利和泽生物科技有限公司、首都医科大学 2018/6/7 慢性牙周炎
Table 6 Catalogue of new drug acceptance in China(2018~2019.8)
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