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中国生物工程杂志  2011, Vol. 31 Issue (7): 45-53    
刘新星, 陈超
中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院 长沙 410083
De Novo Assembly of Allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica Transcriptome using Short Reads for Gene Discovery and Marker Identification
LIU Xin-xing, CHEN Chao
Resources and Bioengineering School at Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
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为了促进对四倍体拟南芥(A.suecica)的研究, 阐明多倍体植物在染色体加倍过程中遗传物质的变化,从而在分子层面上解释多倍体植物的环境适应和进化机制,描述了一套基于第二代测序技术的转录组短序列组装和生物信息学分析方法。通过对23 000 000条来至于Illumina测序平台的序列数据进行SOAPdenovo组装,以及后续的TGICL聚类和Phrap拼接, 共得到125 953条非冗余的转录本序列,其N50和平均长度分别为550bp和331bp。通过BLASTX比对,共有96 057(76.3%)条转录本序列与Nr数据库中的植物蛋白序列具有高度同源性(e-value<10-5),对转录本序列的GO(gene ontology)注释、COG(clusters of orthologous groups)分类以及代谢通路分析也显示A.suecica中的许多基因具有重要的蛋白功能。另外,将A.suecica转录组的GC含量与其相邻物种进行了比较分析,并对简单重复序列(SSRs)进行了鉴定。研究结果表明基于短序列测序数据的多重kmer组装对于转录组分析的可行性,并且为其他相关物种的转录组组装和基因表达分析提供了重要的参考价值。

关键词: Arabidopsis suecica转录组组装SOAPdenovo第二代测序技术    

To facilitate the research on Arabidopsis suecica (A.suecica), a method was presented for de novo assembly of A.suecica transcriptome using short reads produced by Illumina sequencing platform. 23 million sequencing reads were assembled into 125 953 unique sequences with the N50 length of 550 bp and mean size of 331 bp. At the protein level, a total of 96 057 (76.3%) A.suecica transcripts showed significant similarity with transcripts proteins from the other plants in the Nr database. Functional categorization revealed the conservation of genes involved in various biological processes in A.suecica. In addition, simple sequence repeats(SSRs) motifs in the A.suecica transcriptome was identified. The data provides a comprehensive sequence resource available for A.suecica study and demonstrates that the short pair-end reads sequencing allows de novo transcriptome assembly in a allotetraploid species lacking genome information. It is anticipated that the next generation sequencing(NGS) technologies significantly accelerate the research of the transcriptome in both model and non-model organisms. In addition, the strategy for de novo assembly of transcriptome data presented here will be helpful in other similar transcriptome studies.

Key words: Arabidopsis suecica    Transcriptome assembly    SOAPdenovo    NGS(next generation sequencing)
收稿日期: 2011-03-14 出版日期: 2011-07-25
ZTFLH:  Q75  

国家自然科学基金(50774102)、国家"973"计划(2010CB630900) 资助项目

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刘新星, 陈超. 基于短序列测序数据的四倍体拟南芥转录组研究[J]. 中国生物工程杂志, 2011, 31(7): 45-53.

LIU Xin-xing, CHEN Chao. De Novo Assembly of Allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica Transcriptome using Short Reads for Gene Discovery and Marker Identification. China Biotechnology, 2011, 31(7): 45-53.


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