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中国生物工程杂志  2009, Vol. 29 Issue (03): 89-93    
1. 吉林大学畜牧兽医学院
2. 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所;吉林大学畜牧兽医学院
Advance in Reverse Genetic Technique for Rabies Virus
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关键词: 反向遗传学技术;狂犬病毒;拯救;重组病毒    

Reverse genetic technique, also named virus rescuing, was a new technique in molecular virology in last 90’s,which played a significant role in the study of rabies virus in these years.The reverse genetic technique for rabies virus rescuing and the research on pathogenesis,vaccine and vector of rabies virus with reverse genetics were reviewed.

Key words: reverse genetic technique;rabies virus;rescue;recombinant virus
收稿日期: 2008-11-07 出版日期: 2009-03-31
ZTFLH:  Q75  


通讯作者: 任林柱   
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任林柱 史利军


任林柱,史利军. 狂犬病毒反向遗传学技术的研究及应用进展[J]. 中国生物工程杂志, 2009, 29(03): 89-93.

LIN Lin-Zhu- Shi-Li-Jun. Advance in Reverse Genetic Technique for Rabies Virus. China Biotechnology, 2009, 29(03): 89-93.


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