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中国生物工程杂志  2009, Vol. 29 Issue (03): 85-88    
1.武汉生物工程学院 2.武汉生物工程学院生物工程系
Strategies to Identify miRNA in vivo Targets
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关键词: miRNA;靶标鉴定;分子靶标    

MiRNAs are an important class of gene regulators.And miRNAs play a pivotal role in the regulation of genes involved in diverse processes such as development,differentiation,and cellular growth contro1.But little is known about it's role and molecular mechanisms due to lack of efficient and effective target identification methods.Therefore,recent progress on the adjustment target of miRNA was reviewed.The adjustment target of miRNA is very helpful to reveal the pathogenetic of some diseases, discover novel molecular targets for treatment and establish foundation for gene therapy.

收稿日期: 2008-10-08 出版日期: 2009-03-31
ZTFLH:  Q75  


通讯作者: 汪军玲   
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汪军玲 王松太


汪军玲,王松太. miRNA体内作用靶标鉴定的策略[J]. 中国生物工程杂志, 2009, 29(03): 85-88.

HONG Jun-Ling- Wang-Song-Ta. Strategies to Identify miRNA in vivo Targets. China Biotechnology, 2009, 29(03): 85-88.


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