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中国生物工程杂志  2020, Vol. 40 Issue (1-2): 180-188    DOI: 10.13523/j.cb.1907012
美国生物工程食品信息披露制度的新变化及启示 *
华中农业大学文法学院 武汉 430070
The New Changes and Enlightenment of American Bioengineering Food Information Disclosure System
LIU Xu-xia(),ZHAO Zong-hao
College of Humanities and Law,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China
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关键词: 生物工程食品信息披露制度法定标识标识形式标识豁免    

In December 2018, the United States Department of Agriculture published the national bioengineered food information disclosure standard (detailed implementation rules), which detailed and improved the specific content of the bioengineered food information disclosure system in the United States, marking the basic establishment of the bioengineered food information disclosure system in the United States. The text mainly includes the following aspects: add the conditions of detectability, unify the exemption conditions of bioengineering food information disclosure, improve the form of bioengineering food information disclosure, set up voluntary labels, and the obligations of the subjects of bioengineering food information disclosure. Through analysis, it is found that under the premise of mandatory labeling, the United States still adheres to the principle of substantive equivalence to ensure the smooth transition of labeling system while protecting consumers’ right to know. In view of the chaos of GM food labeling in China, this paper draws lessons from the experience of the United States and puts forward Suggestions on how to improve GM food labeling system in China in terms of concept, labeling object, management institution and exemption.

Key words: BE food information disclosure system    Mandatory standard    The label form    Label exemption
收稿日期: 2019-07-05 出版日期: 2020-03-27
ZTFLH:  Q819  
基金资助: * 国家科技重大专项(2016ZX08001001);国家社会科学基金(18ZDA147)
通讯作者: 刘旭霞     E-mail:
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刘旭霞,赵宗豪. 美国生物工程食品信息披露制度的新变化及启示 *[J]. 中国生物工程杂志, 2020, 40(1-2): 180-188.

LIU Xu-xia,ZHAO Zong-hao. The New Changes and Enlightenment of American Bioengineering Food Information Disclosure System. China Biotechnology, 2020, 40(1-2): 180-188.


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