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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology
F protein B Cell Epitopes between Comparison of Immunogenicity of NDV F48E9 and La Sota strains
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Abstract  To identify and compare predicted the B cell-epitopes between NDV F48E9 and La Sota strain, we cloned the predicted 4 poly-epitopes genes segments of each strain, then constructed into Prokaryotic vector separately. The expressed 8 recombinant proteins were analysed by SDS-PAGE, molecular weight of four peptides segments P1,P2,P5and P6 are 8.0KD, 10.8KD, 13.5KD, 10.5KD respectively.The Antigenicity of expressed peptides was identified with anti-F48E9 and anti-La Sota strains serum. The result showed that peptides P1, P2, P5 and P6 of NDV F48E9 and La Sota could reacted with both anti-serum. However, the western blot of peptide P5 against anti-F48E9 and anti-La Sota serum showed a strain specific reaction. Then we purified P5 ploypeptide and mChIL-18 protein by Ni-NTA Resin. Using mChIL-18 as adjuvant, immunized SPF chickens with P5 peptide of F48E9 or La Sota,serum were collected and NDV specific antibody titers were detected with ELISA. The results indicate that F48E9 P5 peptide (FP5) in combination with mChIL-18 protein has the highest antibody titer among all immunized groups, and it is the only group that could protect some of immunized chicken from dead (20%). Finding of immunogenicity difference between FP5 peptide and LP5 peptide, suggested that there are strain specific epitopes exist in F48E9 and La Sota F protein.

Received: 06 April 2006      Published: 25 September 2006
Cite this article:

. F protein B Cell Epitopes between Comparison of Immunogenicity of NDV F48E9 and La Sota strains. China Biotechnology, 2006, 26(09): 24-31.

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