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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology
Mouse-bovine somatic cell interspecies nuclear transfer
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Abstract  simplified interspecies nuclear transfer in mouse and bovine and the possibilities of the embryos reprogramming were developed in this study. The zona and nucleus of the bovine oocyte were removed by pronase and bisection method respectively. When fibroblast cell of the mouse skin fused with the nucleus-free oocyte of the bovine using 40μsec and 1.5 KV/cm direct current pulse,the rates of fusion and cleavage were 67.44% and 30.23% respectively. Reconstructed heterogenous embryos finally developed to 8-cell stage when they were previously activated by ionomycin and 6-DMAP and subsequently cultured in press-made micro-well in the drop of the medium. Zona-free bisection method could be used for mouse heterogenous embryos cloning, and the micro-well culture method could be used to avoid zona-free embryos aggregation.

Received: 10 October 2005      Published: 25 July 2006
Cite this article:

. Mouse-bovine somatic cell interspecies nuclear transfer. China Biotechnology, 2006, 26(07): 74-79.

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