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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2010, Vol. 30 Issue (05): 116-121    DOI: Q5,Q7,R73
Type Ⅳ Collagen-derived Angiogenesis Inhibitors
WEN Lei,SONG Na-ling,HE Xin,ZHAO Qi-ren
Key Laboratory of Molecular Nuclear Medicine, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Tianjin 300192, China
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New blood vessel growth via angiogenesis is a fundational process in both physiological and pathological conditions. Physiological angiogenesis is critical during embryogenesis and placental development, whereas pathological angiogenesis plays an important role in the progression of many disease, most notably tumor growth, progression and metastasis. As “antiangiogenesis therapy for tumor” was proposed, concentrated efforts was leading to the discovery of a growing number of pro- and anti- angiogenic molecules, both of which regulated the “angiogenic-switch”. Arresten, Canstatin, Tumstatin and Hexastatin are newly discovered endogenous angiogenesis inhibitors, which derive from non-collagenous(NC1) domain of the α chain of type Ⅳ collagen. They are similar in structure and molecular weight. Furthermore all of them have been shown as novel integrin ligands and exhibit an ability to inhibit endothelial cell proliferation and migration and lower the density of tumor microvessel. Tumor growth and metastasis are halted for lack of nutrients and oxygen supply. Advances in the understanding of their molecular mechanism may contribute to the discovery of kinds of pharmaceutical agents.

Key wordsAngiogenesis Angiogenesis inhibitors      Endothelial cell      Tumor     
Received: 18 January 2010      Published: 25 May 2010
Cite this article:

WEN Lei, SONG Na-Ling, HE Xin, DIAO Qi-Ren. Type Ⅳ Collagen-derived Angiogenesis Inhibitors. China Biotechnology, 2010, 30(05): 116-121.

URL:,Q7,R73     OR

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