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China Biotechnology
China Biotechnology  2008, Vol. 28 Issue (专刊): 124-127    DOI:
The influence of water activity in the expression of hacAi under Solid-state cultivation
YE Lei
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Aspergillus oryzae has received increasing attention as a source for homologous and heterologous protein production due to its ability to secrete large amounts of protein. The amount of enzymes secreted by Aspergillus oryzae in the solid-state culture greatly exceeds that secreted in the submerged culture..However, the mechanisms involved in protein production remain unknown. Studies have focused on the unfolded protein response in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) because this step in protein maturation represents the most probable bottleneck in the protein secretory pathway .As of the present time, the UPR pathway has been identified in A. nidulans, T. reesei and A. niger , but UPR regulation under solid-state culture is still unknown.This study compared the expressional level of the hacAi between solid-state and submerged cultures through real-time PCR, to understand the differences in the UPR between the two culture conditions. The results show that the expressional level of the hacAi under solid-state cultivation of A. oryzae is higher than under submerged cultivation. And increased with low water activity.

Received: 27 March 2008      Published: 01 January 1900
Cite this article:

YE Lei . The influence of water activity in the expression of hacAi under Solid-state cultivation. China Biotechnology, 2008, 28(专刊): 124-127.

URL:     OR专刊/124

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